Tuesday 7 February 2012

How Chiropractic Care Can Help In Spinal Malfunctioning?

Spine injury and its related disorders, if left untreated can cause major health hazards. The spine is generally affected by accidents, sports injuries, pregnancy, whiplash etc. Chiropractic treatment is a ground breaking technology for providing cure for spinal disorders and its related malfunctioning.
A healthy spine is very important to carry out our normal day to day activities. If the spine is not in good health then it causes variety of problems like muscle stiffness, stress and limb weakness. The spinal cord runs directly in the middle opening of the vertebra and sends signals to every organ, muscle and several systems of the body. If a spine problem is left untreated then it radiates to other areas of the body.
Condition which affect the spine and treatment
The conditions which affect the spine and causes various disorders are poor posture, starting to exercise, pregnancy, hurt on the job, growing pains, stressed, car accident, active in competitive sports, fall, computer back syndrome, foot pain, sport injuries and whiplash. Sometimes spinal problems are also hereditary. Nowadays, doctors use modern chiropractic technique and procedures to provide most efficient treatment.The techniques commonly used by chiropractic practitioners are laser therapy, orthopedic extremity adjusting, motion palpation, and cox spinal decompression.
Factors responsible for spinal malfunctioning
1 Most of the spine problem begins in early childhood. Therefore the spine should develop correctly in childhood, to avoid any spine related abnormality later in life.
2 The feet is very complex structure composed of skin, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, muscles, bone, joints and ligaments. Therefore, foot pain put significant amount of stress on joints of legs, hips and lower spine. The chiropractor can help you in overcoming your foot or ankle problem, which if left untreated can cause problems in other body parts like leg, hip and the spine.
3 Poor posture and obesity also put lot of pressure on vertebra and discs of the spine. Chiropractic treatment helps in restoring vertebra to its normal position and improves functioning.
Ground breaking technology
Chiropractic treatment is a ground breaking technology and has helped a lot of professional athletes not only for spine related discomfort but also for performance enhancement. It provide relief from chronic pain, headache, personal injury and disc disorder cases. The techniques are equally useful for seniors, adults, teenagers, infants and newborns.
In chiropractic treatment, exercise plays a very dominant role in the maintenance of healthy muscles, joint mobility, endurance and flexibility. It also includes rehabilitative exercises, nutritional advice, massage, mobilization, and other lines of treatment.
The several advantages of chiropractic treatment includes strengthening of the immune system, increasing vitality, enhancing flexibility, preventing spinal degeneration, and increases blood circulation.
More effective than surgery
Research has proved that chiropractic treatments are, far more effective than surgery for treating disc conditions. If you are suffering from any spinal injury or its related disorders, then it is good to get in touch with your chiropractic doctor as soon as possible. It is an invaluable step to figure out how to take a proper care of your cervical spine.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Vitiligo Treatment That Works - Where?

As I mentioned earlier, vitiligo is a condition in which the cells of the skin responsible for pigmentation either stop working or die. And when these cells stop working they produce the most notable symptom of vitiligo, the light patches of skin that can be found anywhere on the body. These cells are called melanocytes. They are located at the bottom level of the epidermis. (The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin.) No one knows why this condition affects people or where it comes from. Many scientists have speculated about all kinds of environmental factors but no one cause has been identified. What has been identified is that vitiligo affects EVERYBODY!
Vitiligo affects every race, it crosses the gender lines and economic status has no bearing on it. It can affect young and old alike and everyone that is affected is looking for a cure! Currently, there is no cure for vitiligo. But there are several treatments that have shown great promise in relieving the symptoms. Some of the treatments for vitiligo include:
1. Transplanting Melanocytes - These are the cells that are responsible for pigment. This treatment goes to the heart of the problem. The doctors transplant these cells from another part of your body (most likely your gluteal region...), to the areas affected with the vitiligo. This treatment has has numerous successes wherein patients have reported nearly complete repigmentation. But there has been some drawbacks. Some patients have reported that the vitiligo returned months later.
2. Ultraviolet Light Treatments - This treatment involves using the power of the UVA or UVB spectrum of ultraviolet light to stimulate the cells of the skin. The UVA treatment was used in conjunction with either ingesting or applying a drug called Psoralen. Using psoralen makes your skin sensitive to light, therefore allowing your skin to darken. The UVB treatment was founded later and did not involve using psoralen. Patients could just expose themselves to the UVB light.
There are many more treatments for vitiligo, but I do not have the room to list them all in this article. As with all treatments, there is a chance that it might not work on you. Not all treatments will work for all people. So it's important that you, the person affected by vitiligo, do not stop looking for that one treatnment that can help you on your way to relieving your vitiligo.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Treatment of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which whole skin or different parts of body is affected by appearance of white patches. Through pigmentation disorder, hair on the affected area may turn white. As medical science shows progress day by day through the advancement of technology, Number of treatments of Vitiligo is discovered. The main focus of treatment of Vitiligo is not only the removal of this disease but to provide emotional security to patients.
As every patient have its own individuality, so physician should take in to account the history of patient whether the patient is effected by environmental changes, or he/she get this disease in heredity, or due to the auto antibodies. As the main cause of Vitiligo is depigmentation in skin. Melanocytes cells that produced melanin, if decrease in body, loss of pigmentation occurs. Transplantation is a method by which it possible to transplant Melanocytes cells from some other part of body to the affected skin area. So there is one of the treatments used by physician to cure Vitiligo. By taking effective precaution and using sensibly therapeutic measures, many pigmentation disorders can be managed. Below there are some important steps of conservative treatment.
Psychotherapy is a treatment which is preferable for both a patient and their relatives. When a person knows that he/she suffers in Vitiligo disease, he easily loses his/her confidence. He starts thinking that he is inferior to others, which become cause of stress, anxiety, tension. Unfortunately people around them, including their blood relations also show misery for him by isolating him. If we go to backwards, then in ancient time people consider there is no particular treatment of Vitiligo. So they ignore the patient, in result patient become so depressed that he did not even take proper diet and medicine. So in struggle to give people accurate awareness, now medical science discovered a lot of different treatments to ensure the patient that the cure of Vitiligo is possible.
It is common in our society that when we feel some illness, without checking to any physician we take anti biotic by self. Similarly many Vitiligo patients take this step, which is wrong. Because anti-biotic can be helpful to overcome a disease for a particular time period, but it can't be effective for a longer period of time. So patient should be stop to take different anti-biotics for this disease.
Patients of Vitiligo should be conscious about the diet they take. Diet plays a key role to cure the disease. A patient of Vitiligo is suffering from lack of protein, calcium, copper. So he should take those foods in his meal that are enriching with all these, like butter, milk, beans etc.
Now let's talk about therapeutic part of the treatment of Vitiligo. Many physicians consider that ARS SULPH FLAVOS is very helpful to cure pigmenting disorders in a skin. But again, it is the one of treatment of pool of treatments. It can be suitable for some patients, and not for others, as mentioned above, every patient have its own individuality.
Another treatment is AYURVEDIC, in which much importance is given to the diet along with medicines. Babchi, ami majus plants are used in this treatment. One of the most allopathic treatments for Vitiligo is psoralen therapy. People who have light skinned, by taking this treatment can increase their pigmentation to get normal skin. More on there are number of multivitamin injections are available in market to get cure for Vitiligo.
There are number of patients who prefer home remedies to get cure for Vitiligo. Using number of herbs in home can leave unpleasant side effect, so before try anything in home, it is recommended to check you to a physician.
Through the ultra violet treatment (UVB), this is conducted through irradiation with short wave of ultraviolet radiations. A cure of Vitiligo disease is also possible. Tattooing although is not a traditional treatment but it is done with artificial pigments, by the help of surgical techniques. Artificial pigments are produced according to the skin color of a person.
Although there are number of treatments of Vitiligo are, but it takes several months to show positive result.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Vitiligo - Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Vitiligo is a special type of skin disease that comes under leukoderma. Depigmentation is the major characteristic of this skin disease. It is said that at least one in every hundred people will be facing this skin disorder. It affects people irrespective of sex and race. Although in most of the cases, people are seen to develop this skin disease after crossing twenty-five years, even younger people have been witnessed suffering with this disease. On the other hand, people with dark skin are said to be easily exposable to this disease. The skin disease Vitiligo is also associated with some dangerous inflammatory and autoimmune diseases as well. In most of the cases, it is associated with diseases like thyroid underexpression and overexpression.
Causes of Vitiligo
Vitiligo will also have a huge effect on the hair scalp. Usually, when it comes to hair scalp, this disease will leave white streaks or patches on hair. It will also affect the body and facial hair as well. Heredity could also be the reason for suffering this disease. In fact, over thirty percent of people suffering from this skin disorder have acquired it from their family members. Nearly 7% percent of people suffering with this disease are due to the hereditary characteristics transferred by their parents. The skin of some people with this disease is seen to have some sort of patches. Stress is also one of the major causes of Vitiligo. Some other common causes of this skin disease are like immune hypothesis, neural hypothesis, self-destruction hypothesis, genetic hypothesis etc.
Symptoms of Vitiligo
White patches are one of the most common symptoms of Vitiligo skin disease. Obviously, it is occurred due to the depigmentation of the skin. In some cases, the people with vitiligo would have witnessed gray scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. Some people have also witnessed the change in color on retina, which is nothing but the inner layer of an eye. Changes in color of the mucous membranes, which form the lining of the tissue, are some other common symptoms as well.
Treatment of Vitiligo
The good news for people suffering with vitiligo skin disease is that there is a wide array of treatment available for treating this disorder. Speaking about the major treatments, nobody can ignore the fact that PUVA treatment will be the first name suggested for treating vitiligo skin disease. The treatment method PUVA involves employment of some special compounds like trimethylpsoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen, 8-methoxypsolaren and UVA. PUVA is used for treating all patients including those who have developed this condition seriously. On the other hand, surgical transplants are also carried out for people who have stable activity and small vitiligo areas.
Topical steroid therapy, which will make use of some steroid creams, will be another good way to treat this skin disease. This therapy is actually to bring up re-pigmentation and thereby, to eliminate the white patches. Psoralen photochemotherapy is also one of the most popular methods for treating vitiligo, which is especially employed in USA. UV rays are also employed in this type of therapy.